About Us
The Charmettes, Incorporated is a sisterhood of dedicated women committed to improving the quality of life within our communities through advocacy, education, service and support for cancer research.
Our commitment and dedication is to our organization, our members, and our community.
We welcome, value, and support the diversity of skills, expertise, tools and networks of the strong African American women who make up our membership.
We recognize the importance and benefits of supporting the eradication of cancer and partnering with historically black colleges and universities and others who share our values and support our mission.

The Richmond Metropolitan Chapter was organized in 1990 at Fifth Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia. The original members were Etta Caution, Lois Cumber, Evelyn Jamison, Margaret Jones, Marsha Meekins, Edna Rodwell, Shelia Smith, Sallie Thompson, Delores Tyler, Wilhelmina Williams, and Audrey Winston. In January 1991, Founders Frankie Drayton Thomas and Gwendolyn Baker Rogers came to Richmond for a briefing session on the organization and our obligations. Though overwhelming at the time, we accepted the challenge.
During the weekend of March 9, 1991, representatives from fourteen chapters came with beautiful gifts and lots of support to install its fifteenth chapter. The South Carolina chapter members sent their regrets, their gift, and best wishes.
Following the installation, it was time to prepare for the National Convention. With limited funds, we requested an extension on pre-convention funds from our National President Charmette Synestia Jones. The request was granted. We pulled together and were able to fulfill our obligations by January 1992.
The Chapter has been diligent in raising funds to meet our financial goals. Among our fundraising events include those we refer to as our signature events. They include the Junior Charmette Pageant, the Soiree, and the Holiday Gala. Through the years, the community’s support has been phenomenal. We were able to have the recognition of presenting the highest donation amounts for cancer research from 1992-2000.
We have been able to sustain a membership of dedicated women. Edna Rodwell served as the 19th National President for the Charmettes, Incorporated. Cynthia Bentley served in the role of National Parliamentarian, and Sala Powell-Dabney served as the National Historian. Our membership was enhanced with the addition of two members during the “under forty” initiative that was instituted by our current National President Cecily-Robinson-Duffie in 2022. Joining us were Adia Powell and Tashawna Threat.
Presently, our roster includes the following ladies: Brenda Burwell, Mary Clark, Ethel Doggett, Rena Gardner, Bonita Grant, Queen Harris, Gayle Heath-Clark, Sala Powell-Dabney, Annette Henry, Evelyn Jamison, Dr. Margaret Jones, Rosa Lewis, Carolyn Moseley, Delores Murray, Mamie Nunery, Joyce Newsome, Joyce Oliver, Janice Pankey, Adia Powell, Edna Rodwell, Deborah Speight, Joyce Wooldridge, and Lea Wyche.
We believe that a cure for cancer will be found in our lifetime.