Community Outreach

The Richmond Metropolitan Chapter of The Charmettes, Incorporated is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization that supports its surrounding communities through various outreach projects that are aligned with the mission and goals of the national organization.
Adopt-a-Child with Cancer
This program was started by the Richmond Metropolitan Chapter in order to support the physical and emotional needs of a local child diagnosed with cancer until remission is realized. The chapter provides birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, and other individual needs requested by the child and/or their caregivers.
Cancer Health Forum
The Cancer Health Forum is sponsored by the Richmond Metropolitan Chapter in an effort to raise cancer awareness in the Richmond Metropolitan area. The Forum stresses the importance of annual physical examinations and tests for early detection, as well as provides information on preventive measures, and updates on cancer research.
Junior Charmette Program
This program is dedicated to ensuring that young girls in the community receive training that will prepare them for their teenage years and adulthood. The Program stresses the importance of service to humankind and participation in activities that promote community pride, as well as cancer awareness.
Adopt a Preschool Class Program
This program was designed to support the preschool students and their teacher by participating in weekly “Read-to-Me” experiences. Chapter members donate new winter coats to the children during the school’s Annual Winter Coat Drive and visit the classroom to celebrate holidays, and to provide treats and classroom essentials.
The Richmond Metropolitan Chapter of The Charmettes, Incorporated provides support to these local and national organizations.

Connections and Affiliations
Howard University Cancer Center
The National Mission of The Charmettes, Incorporated is to support the cancer research initiatives at the Howard University Cancer Research Center in Washington, D.C. which focuses on and addresses the disparities of cancers disproportionately affecting the African American population. The Center houses The Charmettes, Inc. Gwendolyn B. Rodgers Hemotherapy Infusion Center. Our chapter proudly supports this infusion center by sending the majority of collected funds to this effort.
American Cancer Society
We support and participate in the various programs sponsored by the American Cancer Society, to include the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk, and the Breast Cancer Health Forum. The American Cancer Society supports our chapter by providing informational brochures and guidance, as needed.
Sisters Network Central Virginia
We support and participate in the Sisters Network Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Walk and Community Outreach program.
Assistance, Support and Kindness (ASK) Childhood Cancer Foundation / Massey Cancer Center
We provide support to the ASK Program by fulfilling wish list requests through donated toys and monetary contributions.
Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU
We provide support to the Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU by fulfilling wish list requests through donated toys and monetary contributions.
National Council of Negro Women
We are an affiliated organization to the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW) and support the events and efforts of the Richmond Section of the NCNW.
Other Organizations We Have Supported:
The Hawthorne Cancer Center at Johnston-Willis Hospital
Bon Secours Cancer Institute at St. Francis